Gratitude For the New Year:
More Powerful
Than a Resolution

by Agenta Dyck, M.A.
President and Founder of Pathways Training Corporation

Did you know that the very best way to bring good things into your life is to be grateful for the good things that you already have? I picked up the Whistler community newspaper while skiing over New Year's and found the following list of internal riches for which we can all be very thankful, although I suspect most of us rarely give them a thought:

1. If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more fortunate than the one million people who will not survive this week.

2. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world.

3. If you can attend a church or political meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death, then you are more blessed than three billion in the world.

4. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in your pocket, then you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

The same day I read this, my son told me about a ski student he'd taught the previous day. The student had escaped a Communist country many years ago by jumping 30 meters from a ship and then swimming 14 kilometers to an island. He has never taken any of the above riches for granted.

What You Focus On Increases

One of the things I like to do is start every day by thinking of all the things for which I'm thankful. When I first started doing this, I thought about things as simple as my bed, my pillow, and my room. Then I added friends and family members and the blessing of a job and enough income to pay for everything I needed. Although I was occasionally in poor health at the time, I was grateful that I had no debilitating illness. Every day my list grew, along with my sense of well-being and gratitude.

More Powerful Than a Resolution

Now, when I'm finished with a few minutes of "thankfuls," I also add an affirmation for the day. These are some of my favorites:

"Today my day is filled with joy."

"Today I feel relaxed and happy. I have lots of time for everything I need to do."

"Today I am surrounded by love. I give out and receive love wherever I go."

"I am getting stronger and healthier every day."

Since starting this morning ritual, I have a wonderfully different attitude. And my affirmations are continually bringing good things into my life. You may want to consider this as a way to start off the year with something even more powerful than resolutions.

Happy New Year!

Agneta Dyck, M.A., is the President and founder of Pathways Training Corporation. She has been trained and certified as a Workshop Leader by Patricia Crane, Ph.D, under the guidance of internationally recognized author and teacher Louise L. Hay. In particular, Agneta Dyck's innovation of workshops focused on the working environment has been endorsed by Louise Hay personally. These workshops are based on her best selling books The Power is Within You and You Can Heal your Life. Agneta has been a recognized management consultant in the human resources field since 1985. Visit the Pathways Training Corporation website at and the I Can Be Happy website at

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