The Reconnection
Profound Energy Healing

November 22nd 2011 - The Reconnection®

In April 1998 I had a profound experience in Egypt that opened a portal of information that had been predicted by Edgar Cayce. This information from the universe had not been available to us as human beings in the way that we experience life today. I have interacted, networked and played with this light or these frequencies and portal since its opening.

Meeting with a select group of three we gathered information from these energies. The symbol of the hour glass revealed itself as a template that helped the light and information to flow through. I created a class called Sitting in Circle with the Gods, (also the title of my new book). And more information was gathered from the class about these frequencies of energy and their information and formation in the universe.

When I heard of The Reconnection and Reconnective Healings, by Eric Pearl, much of the information rang true to my own experiences and I investigated by attending the seminars. I was ecstatic to hear about the philosophy and the sacred geometry of the hour glass used in the reconnection for it echoed my own guidance. I experienced The Reconnection and had an amazing healing on my back after two sessions of Reconnective Healing.

I am excited about this new healing frequency and have found the light and information to be all-inclusive, bringing a blissful feeling of well-being into my awareness. I was also thrilled that with my Reconnection, the information came into me almost instantaneously and the years of meditation and journeying for information was reduced to moments.

To engage your Reconnection, please contact me to book an appointment.

Heart to Heart,
Jan Engels-Smith

"I had no idea how vital this reconnection would be for my spiritual well being. During my reconnection, I experienced a healing energy so profound that I knew without question that it came from a divine source. I truly feel blessed beyond words." Carol Sheley

From The Reconnection® Website (

What is Reconnective Healing?

Reconnective Healing is a form of healing that is here on the planet for the very first time. It reconnects us to the fullness of the universe as it reconnects us to the fullness of our beings and of who we are. It is considered to be able to reconnect us to the universe and to our very essence not just through a new set of healing frequencies, but through possibly an entirely new bandwidth. The reality of its existence has demonstrated itself clearly in practice as well as in science laboratories.

The Reconnection is the umbrella process of reconnecting to the universe, which allows Reconnective Healing to take place. These healings and evolutionary frequencies are of a new bandwidth brought in via a spectrum of light and information. It is through The Reconnection that we are able to interact with these new levels of light and information, and it is through these new levels of light and information that we are able to reconnect. This is something new. This is different. This is real—and it can be entrained in each of us.

What’s the difference between Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection?

The difference between Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection is basically one of intent. The intent of Reconnective Healing is essentially that of healing, be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or on any other level. And, of course, to achieve the degree of healing brought forth via Reconnective Healing, you will, to some extent, experience reconnection as part of the process. It’s this "Reconnection" that allows Reconnective Healing to be so dramatically more comprehensive than the healing "techniques" we’ve had up until now.

The intent of The Reconnection is to bring us into the fullness of our inherent connection with the universe. This is done via a two-session experience, commonly referred to as receiving your Personal Reconnection. And, of course, to achieve the degree of reconnection brought fourth via The Reconnection, you will, to some extent, experience healing as part of the process.

And, although the two are not completely separate processes, to obtain the full benefits of each, your Reconnective Healing sessions and your personal Reconnection sessions are to be experienced on separate occasions.

What can I expect during a Reconnective Healing session or The Reconnection? What’s the best way to prepare for it? What can I do to allow it to be most effective?

Everyone’s experience with Reconnective Healing is unique. Often healings are reported in an instant in just one session, and sometimes it takes a bit longer for a healing to unfold. If you’re lucky, your healing will come in the form you anticipated; if you’re really lucky, your healing will come in a form you haven’t even thought of, one that the universe has in mind specifically for you.

Healings can come in all forms. The best way to allow for a healing is to proceed in a state of expectancy, without expectation or attachment. Place yourself on the table, relax, close your eyes and simply notice. Observe. Become both the observer and the observed.

Be in a relaxed atmosphere, lie down on your back on a massage table or whatever other comfortable arrangement you’ve decided on, close your eyes and notice. Just notice.

Withdraw your participatory thought process and simply observe when there’s something to notice, as well as when there’s nothing to notice; lie there and let go, as if you simply had a little unexpected rest time. I wouldn’t suggest that you try to make your mind a blank or try to think of nothing. As a rule, people have trouble with the concept of thinking of nothing. The mind is always going. I suggest that you simply notice whatever it is that brings itself to your attention. This gives you something to do and has a tendency to alleviate the stress often encountered when trying to think of nothing and finding that you don’t know how. Place your attention inside your body and allow it to travel through you. Observing whatever you perceive as out of the ordinary will give you enough to occupy your mind without your getting lost in mental "shoulds" and "shouldn’ts." You don’t need to breathe a special way, or visualize relaxing scenes or desired results. You don’t need to meditate or repeat mantras, silently or otherwise, and don’t "do" anything. Just receive and relax.

How many sessions will I need? How long does it take to have a healing?

One visit—perhaps even part of one visit—may be plenty. Generally it is recommended that you consider up to three sessions. And, although each session is special, often something particularly special tends to be reported about session number three.

Healings occur in an instant. What takes "time" is for the person to "decide" to accept the healing. If you receive everything you’re looking for by your first, second or third session, it’s time to let go and allow things to unfold on their own. If you don’t receive anything by your third session, Reconnective Healing may not be the appropriate way for you to receive what you’re looking for at this time in your life. Again, you may want to let go and allow whatever might unfold to do so. You may choose to return in three, six, maybe even eighteen months. The only time I might consider a few more sessions is either: a) if a new situation arises for you; or b) if you’ve been experiencing clear, recognizable, consistent improvement over the first three visits and it looks as if there’s a little more to go. At that point, I might consider a few more sessions. After that, I would again let go and allow it time to unfold. Reconnective Healing is not about regular visits or "touch-ups." You do not need to come in for "weekly" sessions or on any kind of an "ongoing" basis. Once you have your session(s), you "own" your change, your healing, your evolution. It’s yours. No one can take it away from you. Ever.

For more information on this topic, please visit Please email or call 503-669-3013.

Contact Member:
LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine

Gresham, OR 97080
United States