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Whittington Chiropractic

Dr. Tom Whittington


801 Fairview Rd Asheville Ste. 6
Asheville, NC 28803
United States
T: 828-298-0011

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Dr. Whittington, Asheville chiropractor with over 20 years of experience, helps your body to function better so it can better heal itself. I use a variety of techniques in order to match the amount pressure and type of care your body will respond to. Network Chiropractic, traditional traditional chiroparctic and applied kinesiology muscle testing are all a part of my methods.

We care for people with many different needs, goals, and concerns. Yet, like you, at the beginning, most people simply want to know, “Can you help me?”

When we meet on your first visit, we will discuss your concerns, your goals, and your hopes for care. This one-on-one, first-visit encounter may be the single most important visit you have.

Most everyone knows that chiropractic can help many health challenges, including low back pain, neck pain, back pain, headaches, carpal tunnel, shoulder pain, specific injuries, and more. However, many people don’t realize a simple, yet dramatic, benefit of chiropractic care: it can simply help you to feel even better, healthier, and happier! Research has shown that people under regular chiropractic care have healthier immune systems, get fewer colds and flu, feel less stressed, feel less tense and experience a greater overall sense of well being!

chiropractic asheville

Profile and Credentials        

A native of North Carolina, Dr. Whittington graduated "with honors" from Life College of Chiropractic in Marietta, Georgia in 1994. He practices chiropractic in Ashevile, NC and has extensive post graduate training and certification in various chiropractic methods.

He is certified in Applied Kinesiology and has studied methods to help neck and back pain related to disc problems.

Recently completed are courses in nutrition and nutritional solutions to common health problems.

Philosophy and Comments        

Our office likes to help you without pressure to commit to more care than you are comfortable with. We do feel long term chiropractic care is essential for the health and well being of everyone. This is especially true since we are living longer and are under new and artificial types of stress. However, we are committed to helping you without pressuring you beyond what you are comfortable. We have many healthy happy long and short term patients.

Chiropractor Asheville

Work Hours and Fee Schedule        

We have a very flexible schedule that allows us to virtually eliminate waiting time. Our goal is for your wait for an adjustment to be no more than five minutes. Ever!

Call us at 828-298-0011 to schedule an appointment

What makes care in our office unique?        

What makes care in our office unique? The answer to this question lies in my many years of experience and training, as well as the methods I use. Often people are surprised that when they visit my office they may not necessarily get their “spine cracked.” The reason is simple: The methods I use are very gentle and deeply interactive with your body and nerve system. What do I mean by that? Our body’s natural state is one of health, and the amount of input I use matches the amount of input the body responds to best. It is the amount of force that supports the body in doing what it is so beautifully designed to do: heal itself! This adjustment allows a space for the body to experience relaxation, realignment, relief, and healing in a gentler way, naturally.

Other things I want you to know        

Adjustments may involve gentle, specific pressure along the neck or low back. This may involve me positioning your body while having you take deep breaths; it may involve a wedge being placed in just the right place under the hips to realign and relieve the pelvic area or low-back disc pain. Sometimes, an adjusting instrument that makes a clicking sound may be used as I make contact with a specific vertebra. And, from time to time, the more traditional chiropractic adjustment is also used. All adjustments are designed to help take the pressure off your spine and nerve system, clear spinal subluxations, which can then help restore you to greater ease and better health. The adjustments are not only painless, most people find their visit relaxing and invigorating.

Virtually everyone’s experience and results can be different, even with the same chiropractor!

While I had to be briefer than I would like to be — I have so much I can share with you! — I hope this information is helpful to you as you discover more about how chiropractic care in my office can become a vital part of a healthier lifestyle.



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