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Chi Gong or Qigong

A very gentle form of preventative health care, qi gong is as much for the mind as the body. It is said to relieve stress and fatigue, lower blood pressure and maintain suppleness. Students are taught how to stimulate qi in the meridians and acupoints 'by intention' which involves a degree of concentration.

Practised by over 60 million people in China alone, this is one of the oldest forms of exercise. Qi gong incorporates movement, breathing and meditation to improve the flow of qi (life energy) around the body, said to increase vitality and promote the body's own healing mechanisms. The ancient Chinese are said to have studied the natural movement of animals, after which many qi gong poses take their names. There are many types of qi gong, one of them being the better-known and more dynamic t'ai chi chuan.

Qi gong is usually taught in a series of classes and is suitable for people of all ages, and even the infirm and wheelchair-bound.

Training & Colleges
Teachers of qi gong will have had at least five years experience, many also promoting t'ai chi chuan.

National/International Organzations

Practitioner Databases

Education & Training

Information graciously provided by Holistics UK
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